TARGET( ) or >( )

Specifies a target to dynamically populate with output.


TARGET([ link, file, or virtual output ])
shorthand: >([ link, file or virtual output ])

Node Output

If no special syntax is included, the target is assumed to be an existing node in the project.

Using the link wrapper syntax inside TARGET()  is not required but is more readable and also provides a working link to the output node.

File Output

Using the file link syntax inside TARGET() will output the content to the specified file, creating the file if it does not exist.

Virtual Output

Several “virtual outputs” are available:

  • @self : sends the output to the node containing the dynamic definition, overwriting/updating any existing content.
  • @clipboard : sends the output to the system clipboard
  • @next_line : sends the output to the line following the dynamic definition
  • @log : sends the output to the project log, if it exists.
  • @console : sends the output to the Python console
  • @popup : sends the output to a popup