Sublime Text Command Palette

All key bindings and commands can be accessed through the Sublime Text Command Palette, which is mapped by default to Ctrl-Shift-P. To see all the Urtext commands, type “Urtext” to reduce the list to matching commands. Key bindings are shown at the far right of each entry.

Sublime Text Urtext Key Bindings

These are the default key bindings for Sublime Urtext commands.


Open Urtext Link:ctrl + shift + /
Navigate Forward: ctrl + shift + .
Navigate Backward: ctrl + shift + ,
Home Node: ctrl + shift + h
Open Random Node: ctrl + shift + f
Node Browser: ctrl + shift + e
Node Browser, Include All Projects: ctrl + shift + *
Node Browser, Forward Links: ctrl + shift + right
Node Browser, Backlinks: ctrl + shift + left
List Projects: ctrl + shift + o
Keyword Browser:ctrl + shift + x
Metadata Browser:ctrl + shift + m
Browse Associated Nodes:ctrl + shift + space

Content Insertion

New Node: ctrl + shift + ;
Insert Timestamp: ctrl + shift + t
Insert Bracket Node with Timestamp:ctrl + shift + 1
Insert Bracket Node Wrapper:  ctrl + shift + 2
Insert Bracket Node, Minimal :ctrl + shift + Left-Bracket
Insert Dynamic Definition with Node: ctrl + shift + Right-Bracket
Insert Bullet Node: ctrl + shift + 6
Insert Link to Existing Node: ctrl + shift + l
Insert Link to New Node: ctrl + shift + ‘
Quick Tag from Other: ctrl + shift + 0

Copy Links

Copy Link to Node: ctrl + shift + c
Copy Link to Node With Project: ctrl + shift + super + c

Traverse Modes

Toggle Traverse Broswer: ctrl + shift + r
Toggle Travers History: ctrl + shift + g

Changing Key Bindings

Key Bindings can be changed, if desired, by modifying the following files in the Sublime Urtext package:
Default (Linux).sublime-keymap
Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
Default (Windows).sublime-keymap